The Writers Brigade is a diverse group of writer-activists determined to help progressive Democrats win at the ballot box and on the policy front at this crucial time in our nation’s history. TWB offered powerful communication tools learned in writers’ rooms, editing suites and media scrums.
We are video producers who understand how to craft a story for maximum emotional impact.
We are professional storytellers who work in film, television, and on Broadway.
We worked directly with over a dozen elected officials to hone their message to increase impact.
We are also veteran organizers from numerous political campaigns and social movements with experience in law, journalism, theology and business. But most critically, we are concerned Americans who refuse to concede our democracy to those who promulgate fear, lies, inequality and violence.
Words have power.
Our work ranged from specific messaging to be used in speeches and social media, to long-term engagements through an entire election cycle. We provided campaign communication and branding guidance, media bookings, speech coaching and fundraising. We also created longer research documents after a deep-dive on a particular issue—an annotated study of how modern Republicans have betrayed their historic principles, for example. We also believe that if we simply adopt GOP language (death tax, entitlements, etc.) we’ve already lost the fight.